It is a Blizzard in Korolev, Russia…

Attached to Moscow is a city of 200,000 people (Korolev) and it is that city that Sveta and I live in. Today it is snowing so hard that visibility is around two or three meters at times and luckily it swirls away in a breeze and you can see far enough to tell if the road is safe to cross. As you try to get around in feet of deep soft snow…

Now this would be okay, except this snow is on top of lots and lots of snow all winter and I was measuring the pack on some sidewalks and it is a meter thick in places solid packed ice. Ice that is formed by trampling feet as they try to get to and fro as people go to work and the stores…

It is strange to be able to reach things in the trees along the sidewalks that in the summer are so far above your head that you would have to try to climb the tree, to reach them. Now I was able to retrieve several balloons the other day, ones that I took a picture of and Boza was excited to play with them… (Source)

russia_korolevI thought it would be a good day to explain where I live again, as I have had a whole bunch of e-mails asking about where Sveta, Boza and I live in Russia… (Source)

The map to the left has a heart in red for the location of the city that Sveta and I live in… <———

Korolev, Korolyov or Королёв as it is known is a wonderful city and is very sufficient , as you really never need to leave it to find anything that you want. The city is named after Sergei Pavlovich Korolev who is widely regarded as the founder of the Soviet Space Agency… (Source)

Korolev is the home of the third place that I have lived in Russia and it really is the best so far to date. In fact I do not see a need for us to ever move from Korolev. In fact Sveta and I have been able to purchase the new unit that we live in from the family of hers and hence it means we have no house payment, to deal with. Russians virtually own all their homes, unlike most in America and that makes for cheap living in comparison…

All we have to deal with is utilities and when I lived in America, I never dreamed that utilities could be so cheap as they are in Russia. Only one place in America did I have dirt cheap utilities (and that was only electricity) when I lived on a lake that had hydroelectric and we got a special deal because we lived in that situation…

So as I sip that cup of coffee and do some thinking’s as to what I need to do and achomplish. I am trying to get lined out a publisher for a book of mine that is a week away from being done and I have according to the old saying, “Too many irons in the fire!”

Sveta has found someone to do some artwork and if all works well by the end of 2013 I will have 4 or 5 books done and published. I have discovered my calling and producing SciFi series books is a dream come true for me…

So I have to walk the dog and get back to work, it fits on a snowy day like this. I have only one reservation about today and Sveta has had to go to the dentist and have a wisdom tooth pulled. That is no fun and I suspect she will be kinda grouchy tonight when she gets home…

That reminds me! I have to get an appointment to the doctor and have my medications adjusted, I am having issues with heart medicines…

Gotta run, Boza is calling me and he wants to go play in drifts of snow over his head… 🙂

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…