Gold and Gold and Coffee Thinking’s…

For years I have talked about Russia buying gold and I have even posted several articles to keep an eye on what they are doing. In fact I have made it clear that Russia is preparing for the future when a petrodollar is no longer a feasible unit of measurement.This is what my coffee thinking’s are this morning as I contemplate gold…

Now read what Bloomberg prints…

Not only has Putin made Russia the world’s largest oil producer, he’s also made it the biggest gold buyer. His central bank has added 570 metric tons of the metal in the past decade, a quarter more than runner-up China, according to IMF data compiled by Bloomberg. The added gold is also almost triple the weight of the Statue of Liberty.

This falls in line with what has been happening for years in Russia and what I have seen happening. I find it interesting that everyone ignores the obvious and keeps on rolling in a bed made of worthless paper fiat money that is not valued as much as the cost of producing it…

It is things like this that interest me. I find it strange how we always get the information and that information is verifiable about eastern countries gold and financial dealings, but try to verify the fact if the US has the gold she says she has and try to understand what the real financial issue is in the west and you will hit a garbled wall of trash that means nothing in the least…

I figured it out…

China and Russia are buying gold as fast as they can buy it. Both are mining gold as fast as they can mine it. Both are running a race to see who can purchase the most gold. Both are on the doorstep of the western banks when those banks release gold to suppress the market…

Think about it…

Both countries want to be a world currency and be the petrol-currency of the future. So both are scarfing up gold to back that currency, as that is the way that their currency will be accepted as the number one currency. They know that the west has been selling her gold under the table trying to prop up a failing fiat money system and one day soon, the house of cards that has been built will come tumbling down when the correct breeze makes its way int the glass house that has been built…

Just watch as Russia turns “Black Gold” into “Yellow Gold” – hmm…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…