Strange: Russia is one of the Calm One’s in the World…

I have watched over the years and have come to a conclusion about Russia: This is all over a cup of wonderful coffee as I do some thinking’s this morning. Russia is a country that wants real peace on Earth…

I look at it this way: Russia had a chance during the war that Georgia instigated, by attacking Russian Peace Keeper bases in South Ossetia, to crush Georgia into mealy mush 20 times over. Russia did not and that says something, because America would have steam rolled all the way across Georgia and most likely would have droned the neighbor countries also…

No one would have attempted to stop Russia if they did want to level Georgia! No one has the ability to have stopped Russia. Unless you think using nukes against Russia will stop it. No my friend that will just erase America from the map also. The point is that Russia only spanked Georgia hard for attempting to kill South Ossetia and if Russia had desired it would have turned Georgia into a little Russia, called The New Ossetia…

It all is obvious who in the world wants peace and who is driving to create war all over the globe. Why it is a full time job for Russia just to keep after the world and permute peace, by delegation and communication. Everyday there is a new crises in the world and if you look at who is connected, you will find the Western Empire dancing a tune, in the background…

I realize that Russia could be a bully of a country, just like America is and I am glad she is not. She may use a few tactics with natural resources, but that is a far cry from rolling a tank into your country and bombing the hell out of you for 10 years as has been common lately, with America. Hell America does not care to win, they just want to drop bombs and more bombs all over countries that do not play along with the bully. War is money to a choice few and those choice few do not care about you are me…

Strange it was in my eyes, when Russia rolled into Georgia after Georgia attacked South Ossetia and crushed Georgia in the ground. The West was taken back and realized that they underestimated Russia. Then all the west could do was cry and whine and scream bloody murder about how mean Russia was. This was all the while that NATO was still bombing the hell out of Iraq and Afghanistan and several other places…

It dawned on me the other day that if Russia wanted to retake several of the CIS countries, no one would stop them, nor be able to stop them. Russia does not want to gather them back up by force, but Russia would rather gather them by strong ties financially and politically…

NATO is not going to stage a showdown with Russia and proof of the pudding is when Saakashvili of Georgia was waiting for the Calvary to ride in and save him after he did what he was told, by his masters in the west. The West just stepped back and said, “Crap Mable, Russia has big guns and even bigger nukes!” The west found out that Russian Intel is very good and Russia watches what is going on in her territory, plus the surrounding countries…

I have discovered how good Russia’s Intel is when she always puts out a notice in the news and says things like, “There is no report by our intelligence that Libya is using jets to suppress the populace!” or “We have Intel that tells us that AL Qaeda is in Syria!” The west just ignores these truth statements and keep telling you the opposite…

The bottom line is that no matter what you are told and lied to about! Russia is the calm one of the superpowers and wants only a world based on peace and quiet…

Time to look in the mirror again! What do you see?

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…