Russia and China Smile as the West Manipulates the Gold Market…

That 500 ton all at once dump of gold paper certificates and other games the other day, just made life all the better. While the masses can not see how stupid it all is in the long term. Countries like Russia and China, who plan on being around longer than next week. Just smile big time at the dropping gold price…

Soros, Goldman Sachs, The New York Times and plenty of other good patriotic only to money idiots, proclaimed that gold was not worth wiping your butt with. Gold is so past foretime that if you see some gold laying around, toss it in the trash. We have no use for that substance anymore. That is why paper certificates are being used to try to destroy real gold. It will not happen in the long run and will only make the results worse in the end, as it does every time they do this stuff…

Another behind the scene happening is the fact that Russia and China (BRICS) are trying to start a bank. The west is trying to punish the new kids on the block, but all it will do is allow more gold to be bought by Russia and China. Russia and China expect this and know all the games that will be played…

China and Russia are ecstatic and the farther it goes down the better, because that is less they have to pay as they continue at a furious pace, buying all the Western gold. They have very long terms in sight and are not worried about next week, next month or even next year when it comes to gold. They are planning for the future and now the can buy more gold at a cheaper price…

The gold that is in question (500 tons of gold) is all paper gold certificates and was all bought and sold by the same facility. That makes it a crooked deal if you or I did it, but hey! We are peons…

golddumpJust remember that Russia and China will buy all that gold with worthless USA dollars and smile all the way to the vault as they exchange that funny money paper dollars for real gold. Both countries have lots of dollars to use up. No Russian and China do not deal with paper certificate gold, they deal with real gold, in your hand heavy solid gold…

If the price gets far enough down I will start buying gold again and if silver does the same, I will do the same. I have been waiting for the artificial push against gold to happen and lets hope it rolls down a long ways, because the day it starts back up again. We will be in big trouble with that worthless paper stuff, we call money…

The old saying, “Give then enough rope and they will hang themselves!” is so true…

Ta-ra-ra Boom-de-ay; as the games are played…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…