My Business is None of Your Business!

businessMy Business: No matter if on the Metro, bus, car, walking or flying. My business is none of your business and that is the Russian way. I shrug my shoulders and total understand that way of thinking. I guess that is why it is easy for me to survive in Russia; “My business is none of your business!”

Unless I allow it to be your business. That I do through the websites and if you do not like it! Leave…

I was raised in America and I was raised to interfere. My government has always told me to watch for trouble. Report that trouble and stay out of trouble. The fact is that while we have always had a crappy government, our crappy government has become a out of control monolith. But forget that, we are talking about Russia and “My Business is None of Your Business!”

A wonderful thing about Russia is this business stuff or lack of business interference. I walk the city constantly. Boza and I watch people and their actions. No – I do not mind my own business (I am an American you know?) and thence I watch all around me. People hardly ever realize that I watch them. They are way into that, “My business is none of your business!” So they never look up and see who is watching them. This is normal. No smiles, no stares back, no cares, no desires, no wondering and no asking, “What’s Up?”

Now there are Russians who notice everything and these Russians are called Babushkas (Grandmas). They know everything going on, see everything going on, hear everything going on and will take care of everything going on. I really think that Russian women are this way from birth, but  they do not allow this genetic trait to come out until they are Babushkas, then they use all that watching and sticking their nose into others business to good use. They run the country…

Now since I am off the subject a little bit, I will expound father. Russian women rule the roost at home and that is that. Men do not stand a chance and this is very prominent all over the CIS countries. It seems to be a natural evolution as the women in Russia get older, they take on more territory to rule, until they cover the whole country… 🙂

Now you may be asking, “What this is babbling all about?”

Good question: My Business is None of Your Business!

It is a real reason why America, the west and NATO have no ability to understand Russia and China for that fact. This side of the world is China’s and Russia’s issue and if anyone should be at odds over what is happening in countries like Libya and Syria. It should be Russia and China as they try to jostle their backyards and playgrounds. Russians do not understand why a country would much less want to be half way around the world and cause issues of death and destruction…

But the bully factor is at play with the west (That is another story though!) and interference is wrought with pain…

It is sad as I realize that the USA has become the biggest, baddest, meanest, toughest, bulliest and most murderous Babushka on earth. I guess I missed a whole bunch of the growth of America, as it is really a young country and for it to be such a hateful and spiteful young country, is scary…

I guess America grew up too fast and now we want to destroy the world as we crumble into the grave we dug…

For you see there are much older Babushkas in the world and they have been around much longer than America. America is still a baby at all this and by trying to grow up too fast and trying to take over the world. It will just come back 20 fold and hurt all the more…

Syria is as Russia sees it: “My Business is None of Your Business!”

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…

The copy scores 71.8 in the Flesch Reading Ease test, which is considered fairly easy to read…