I Realize That I Think Different Than You…

hateI realized today that I am different than most people in the world I grew up in. I do not look at the world as being full of different people, or better people here than there, or my color makes me better than you…

Now I do not claim that I understand why some people are gay, nor why people hate gays, or why some people hate blacks, some people hate American Indians, some people want to be rich, some people want war  and some people hate Muslims. I do not claim to be better than anyone, I just claim to be  lot more tolerant of all kinds of people than most people from the world that I came from. Tolerance is not associated with acceptance…

I also do not claim to write to make you happy, nor make anyone else happy. I also do not care if you do not like what I say…

Just like for example: I tolerate you being gay, but I do not accept it. I am not able to accept it, for I am not able to see it from your shoes. That does not mean that I would not have you as a friend. It means that the fact you are gay makes no sense to me and I think maybe you need help. Don’t take that wrong, I can accept that you are different than me, just don’t think that I accept that you are different from what is truth…

I look at a woman and see beauty, grace, perfection and heaven…

So how could I be expected to look at a man and see the same? A man can be a friend and a buddy, but never beauty, grace, perfection and heaven. Man is just a man and we are not a woman in any aspect or means. A woman is a partner in relationship, love and children and the woman is the number one aspect of that relationship. A woman is a mother, wife and heaven all at once…

No man can match those criteria and no woman can have a mate as another woman and fulfill those criteria. It is biologically impossible and cheating does not count. The propagation of the race requires a man and a woman…

So no I will not condone you being gay anymore than I condone other wrongs. Nor would I condemn you being gay and not condemn many other wrongs at the same time. It is all the same to me. Wrong is wrong and right is right. There is not lessor rights and lessor wrongs…

I definitely do not understand religions and religious wars. I am a believer in god, but I do not believe in what we call religion in most of the known world. The world is run on “Holy Wars” and I use to be fascinated by the “Holy Wars” from the middle ages. We have not changed nor does it seem that we will change. The holy wars are still going on and it looks bad for the world, because a sword is not the same as a nuke in the hand…

I do not understand when a preacher preaches about support for our troops in other peoples lands to help them kill people from other countries. Makes no sense to me. I cringe every time that I am reminded of our military preacher and he would say, “God is with you! He will make your aim true and your heart strong! Go forth and do your job!”  Okay – I watched his head explode one day as he was waving his bible in the heat of a battle. Seems that he pissed God off, I guess, because he died just like you or I would…

The above is from my thoughts and thinking’s. I see life as very black and white. I do not see life as sugar coated and rainbow like. Life is simple to me: You intentionally abort a child at any stage of pregnancy, then you have killed a human being. Being a biology major has a impact on my decisions about such things. Just like I have knowledge’s about procreation and what the difference is between an asexual creature and a sexual creatures. Man is not a asexual creature and you have to have male and female. It is all simple to me and I do not bend the rules to make myself happy and be part of the crowd…

As I travel to another country and I see people. I do not see evil people and I do not try to hunt them down as a goal of mine, just to prove the world wrong. I watch people and I study people. It is what I do. I do not have preconceived notions about these people, because I have learned that 90% of what I have been taught and learned in schools is a lie. I learned that many many years ago and took it upon myself to reteach myself what is right and wrong. I now read constantly and try to shape a new concept in my head, instead of the old concept being the only example that I stay with…

I have personally seen wonderful people all over the world. I have come to Russia and seen a world that my government does not want you to know about in America. That is why I have a website that is attacked a lot by the DHS and TSA computers. My site is an issue because I see a good world and that is against the western philosophy and desires. How can you convince the western people to go along with war on countries that are known to be fantastic, wonderful, safe, beautiful and so on and so on. You can’t and they have to be made into terrible countries and then it is okay to destroy them. For evil must be destroyed – Right?

Sveta and I have made friends all over the world and the one thing that is common amongst people is. They want peace and quiet and to live their lives in harmony with all. That is where the issue lies…

Peace and harmony and quiet do not make money, but War does…

Haters are going to hate and that is that!  I do not have to think like you and I do not have to like you! If I do like you then it is real and not because you have a strange quirk about you that makes me want to have you in my circle of life. I don’t like you because you meet a criteria or you look good in my resume…

I like you because you are you. I am glad that I am different than you and I am glad that I do not want to be you. For that is the world that I grew up in and that world is still going strong. I see that “Keep up with the Joneses!” is still a rule of life…

That is where I differ from many people in the world I grew up in…

That is my thoughts…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…