Could We Buy Your Soul Russia?

worship the dollarThe Russian President, Vladimir Putin told Saudi Arabia in a very nice way, that Russia will not be bought and offering bribery in the way of purchasing weapons to drop support for Assad in Syria will not work…

Vladimir Putin rejected Saudi Arabia’s proposal of $15 billion in weapons contract and protections of Russia’s gas interests in the Middle East if the country abandons its stance on Syrian crisis, according to diplomats involved to a negotiations process.

Saudi Arabia is nothing but a lapdog for America and this is nothing but an attempt by the west to buy its saving face in Syria, but Putin does not play the games that the west plays and until the west learns to play chess, instead of checkers. Then nothing will change. Since the political class in the west is not capable of playing chess, then the state of affairs will stay the same…

It is strange to see the differences in cultures play in this situation. The west and her lapdogs can only see money as its god. Money in any form is the ruler of the world. There is no god but money and the number one money is the dollar. Thence the number one god is a dollar…

Russians like money and they like to buy things and they like to buy food to eat, but Russia is not driven by money. Not like the west is and that is one reason that I love Russia. So to throw money in a Russian face like Saudi Arabia did is an insult. It is not even a proper bribe or even a proper corruption attempt. It is simply a slap in the face and a obvious attempt at buying favors from Russia, especially when these favors go against the morals of life…

Take all you are told and take all that you have been propagandized to believe about Russia and toss it out the window. Russia (As I have said for years!) is not near as corrupt or bribery riddled as the west is and that is that…

So I was actually pissed by what the the US put Saudi Arabia up to doing and it is typical of how the situation has been handled in Syria by the west. The west believes that the dollar is god and that all countries bow down before it and grovel at its feet…

Screw you America…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…