Kids Everywhere…

jungle_gymSveta and I both have expressed that fact that there seems to be lots of kids everywhere and the fact that many Russians are having two children. We have a playground (actually 4 large playgrounds) and there are times that you literally can not get many more kids in any of these playgrounds. What with mothers, kids, strollers, bikes, pet dogs, scooters and tricycles the places are packed…

Yesterday I pointed out to Sveta a jungle gym (as I grew up calling them) and or monkey bars. The bars were full of monkeys (kids) and I told her that is why they are named Monkey bars…

Jungle gyms are plentiful in Russia and no one is scared of lawsuits or who gets hurt, because life is full of issues and protection needs to be curtailed to grow up strong and wiser. I am not going to get into the issue of liberty and freedom differences between Russia and America. But this is a prime example of that difference…

The main thing that this article is about is the fact that there are kids everywhere and the population is growing in Russia. I see it in villages as we travel and I definitely see it in the big cities, as mothers and fathers push newborns around everywhere. The biggest growth I see is in the sale of dual seat strollers. I am shocked at the twins being born in Moscow and it is so cool when you see one of those side by side strollers and a mom pushing for all she is worth trying to get the daily shopping done, with two monkeys pointing at the world as they travel in style…

This also holds true for the winter as they even have dual side by side sleds now for the twins…

I have found it interesting over the years, about how the west has pointed fingers at Russia a thousand times and said your population is dropping and it will be the end of you. Then here recently, the news has come out that population in the white western world is dropping and the finger pointing stopped…

Russia has dealt with it and I am wondering if the next census we will see an very tiny increase in population…

Yorkie_standingOh I want to talk about the pet dogs: The latest must have pet dog is the Yorkshire Terrier! Everyone is getting one and right now walking Boza means running into 4 or 5 of these terrors on four legs. They think that Boza and I are bad and they must protect their masters…

It is a trip to see these little fluff balls getting all excited and Boza has learned to stay away from the little demons. Last year it was thug pugs as the flavor of the year and the year before that it was the killer dachshunds all over the place…

So Boza and I just keep on walking and watch the world of Russia change as we walk. There is many more kids and many more dogs. Now that is a good thing to see and lets hope the whole country is doing the same as what I am seeing…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…