I found this interesting as I checked E-mails Today…

Available for Interviews – Voice of Russia: “Russians strongly believe that the Syrian Opposition gassed its own people for propaganda”

In response to current media discussion regarding the latest developments in Syria regarding the alleged use of gas that killed more than 1,000 by the Syrian government, Voice of Russia, one of the three Russian government-backed media companies, would like to make the following statement:

Russian government strongly believes that the Syrian opposition gassed its own people for propaganda and provocation of the West. The alleged nerve gas attack is a carefully planned provocation by Syrian opposition, which banked on the interest from mass media should chemical weapons be used during Syrian conflict.

If you are interested, Dmitry Babich, a political analyst at the Voice of Russia, is available for further comment. Mr. Babich is a former Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper correspondent, former head of Expatriate community department at Moscow News newspaper, former RIA Novosti, Russia Profile magazine analyst.

Please contact Peter Collins at (908) 499-1200 to speak with Mr. Babich.

Time to wake up people…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…

I believe the same thing and once again games are being played…