Syria the Beginning of the End

make-coffee-not-warSyria is the beginning of the end…

The west instigated it on purpose…

The west antagonized it on purpose…

The west infiltrated it on purpose…

The west terrorized it on purpose…

The west wants war – after war – after war – after war…

Syria is the beginning of the end…

And why are we doing this? You should know and you should be capable of seeing it. Look around…

Here is a few examples of thousands, no wait! Millions of reasons…

Fukushima is a nuclear melting pot… (Literally)

Libya is a modern day civil war…

Israel needs Syrian water…

Iraq is a modern day civil war…

Afghanistan is a worse failure than even Vietnam…

The Gulf of Mexico has never stopped leaking and is a time bomb (furtively speaking)…

Western debt is no longer in trillions it is in quadrillions of little worthless pieces of paper…

Democracy has become a failed experiment… (Originally started by the Greece!)

Corporations rule the western world…

The $ DOLLAR $ has become god…

Drones in the skies… (at home and abroad)

Resources such as oil and gas underline all movements of power…

A western backed pipeline needs to cross Syria…

Snowden has a thousands times worse damaging data to release on the west…

The lies are catching up to the west…

The west has lost, who the west is and was!

The soul of the western world has been sold…

AS much as I would wish that Russia could (ride in like a knight in shining armor) stop what is happening and that Russia and China would end the suffering of the world. Russia will not get militarily involved in Syria. Moscow will continue to point out the folly of Washington and the west, but Russia as is China, are going to concentrate on finishing their own defenses and growing there already prospering economy’s…

The Russian economy has real growth and not governmental induced pacemaker growth. 2% growth in Russia is like 12% growth in America…

Meanwhile, a war in Syria will move the United States and the puppet west many steps closer to total financial disaster, moral structure decay and the last of the freedoms to be sliced off the books…

So the day is coming that Russia, China, Iran and many more countries will cease to accept the western bovine feces. That day is sooner than you think and most likely in my lifetime and yours…

So how is your day? The world is getting another black eye from the west and her bullying ways…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…