Russian Mouse Trap: Video

Sveta dislikes having a mouse around the village home, but she also even more, dislikes killing the mice. So since the little mice were very brave and very stupid. I just waited and decided to trap and move the mice one at a time to the forest…

We noticed that two little mice had decided that since it was cold outside and we had a nice warm village home, that they would move in with us. They were so fond of Boza’s left over scraps of dog food in his bowl that I decided that we could trap them one morning. We ate our breakfast and Boza ate his breakfast and then as we set and enjoyed coffee and tea, The mice came to eat their breakfast…

Since they were part of the family and you never kill family, no matter how big of a pain they are! The video shows you how we removed our unwanted family members and set them up in the forest with a nice new home. Actually I trapped and Sveta found a new home for the little ones. Boza just ignored the whole situation and slept… 🙂

Sveta set the video uploaded last night and as she watched it a dozen times, every time the lid would clang she giggled. She was so happy to remove the mice and not kill them. The video she took tickled her and I am sure that as she watches this video on my website, she will giggle some more…

I just love Sveta so much and life with her in Russia is perfect…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…