Russia in the News: November 6th, 2013…

newsPutin signed into law an interesting bill. This bill will determinately give family members something to contemplate as they ignore Little Jimmy, as he makes a bomb in the family basement. Or they give or receive money, as Little Jimmy tours the world and tries to blow things up…

Under the new law, all damages  – should be compensated “At the expense of the means of the person committing the terrorist act and also at the expense of the means of his [or her] family, relatives and close people.”

That is interesting and now I will watch to see the reaction…

Next it seems that Russia has gone all patriotic and such. While there is much less extremism in Russia than in America, I do have to say that nipping it in the bud before it gets out of hand is not a bad idea. I just hope that Russians unlike Americans can keep a limit to the swing of the pendulum as they enact laws to deal with touchy subjects…

A bill has been put forward at the Russian Duma that classifies insulting Russia’s patriotism as extremism, making it a criminal offense punishable with a prison term. The bill proposes at least a 5 year jail term for insulting patriotism…

Now this is an issue that I see first hand happening in Russia. The issue that I have with this new possible law below is that by trying to make the work visa the scapegoat, it is not going to work. The people that come from other countries to work in Russia are not required to get visas, nor do they get a visa if they are required. They cross the border illegally and they work illegally. There is a huge network of help from internal Russia to get workers from Asia and it is exactly just like the situation in the U.S. with the Mexicans…

There are those in the Duma who are suggesting a new law: A law to halt issuing work permits to foreigners with a criminal record of any kind. Already Russian legislation does not allow work visas for any foreign citizens who has been convicted of a serious crime (and any issued permits are annulled if convictions are uncovered), but the parliamentarians suggest to extend the ban on all ex-convicts…

One of the reasons for this is that it has been proven time and time again, that a huge percent of the crime in Russia is from illegal foreign workers and their families that come with them…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…