Russia: WWII Tanks Are Great!


We have a few pictures of our trip that did not get lost .

I thought that I would post some pictures of World War II tanks that we came across in Russia. They are in very good shape and are situated near a battle field of a large tank battle in WWII.

This is where we had stopped on the first leg of our trip, at a town in Russia called Prohorovskoe(Belgorodskaya oblast’). We stayed in a hotel that Putin stayed in when he was in this town. We found out that Yeltsin had all the major monuments put in this area. The town has fantastic sites to see and beautiful churches & of course Tanks!

I thought that maybe you would enjoy the tanks also….

Kyle & Svet

comments always welcome.

PS: Barrett from Huma B Post, he loves tanks! So I thought I would give him & anyone else who loves tanks some pictures to look at.

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