8 years in Russia for this American…

coffeeI realized today that this is my 8th Christmas, 8th Thanksgiving and I had my 8th Halloween. It will also be my 8th birthday in Russia coming up soon.  Eight years in Russia and the coffee is even better, as life is also. I am still alive after getting free of the addictions that are so common in the USA…

I came to Russia hooked on a variety of prescription anti-depressants that were given to me to counter the effects and future effects of six heart attacks. My doctor had me on no less than five forms + of anti-depressants. These kind of pills sneak up on you, as they are given to you when you really do not have an understanding about what you are taking. You just take what is given to you starting at the hospital and never ending as your full time care MD continues the path of your destruction instigated at the hospital…

Don’t get me wrong! My life was saved six times and I fought a hard battle to stay alive at times, but I now know that many of the prescription medicines given to me were detrimental to my future and they were given with open ended prescriptions. Fill as needed, when needed…

I had a permanent supply of Lexapro, Amitriptyline, Bupropion, Desipramine and Amoxapine! Plus some other items to spice it all up when needed…

This is bad and actually a sign of a sick society that uses nothing but drugs to solve its problems. That do what you are told and take what you are given idea is bad…

I had a very rough first year in Russia. I was kicking prescription drug habits and getting proper care from doctors. It was a very hard thing to find anti-depressants in Russia and at first it was scary. I realize that was just the effects of breaking the habit. I finally woke up and that is when this website was started. It was amazing as to how the wool lifted from my eyes and I did not have it as bad as most in America. Even drugged up, I was able to crawl away from America and get my life back together. So I know anyone can do the same…

Why I even stopped smoking at the same time that I got rid of all the other crap…

So I smacked my demons and the devil away, as I truly believe that I would be dead now, if I stayed in the US. I really believe that and if you saw all the medications they had me on, you would believe that also. I am now down to just the basic medications and in Russia that is considered the smart way to do things…

8 years in Russia and going strong!

That is why I love Russia…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…