Recipe From Russia: Horseradish Soup Recipe…

horseradish-soupFor those bitter cold days and you are wondering what to make everyone to warm them up? Well you know that root of horseradish that you have laying around? Lets make a soup from it and if you are skittish about it being too spicy hot, decrease the horseradish amount…

I grew up on this soup and was very surprised to see Russians who normally have an aversion to spicy food eating this soup. Russians do grow horseradish (?) and for a Russian who likes spicy foods, then I have noticed that horseradish is the spiciness of choice. Be it in a mustard or other kind of sauce..

Lets make Horseradish Soup…

4 tablespoons ground fresh horseradish
1 cup vegetable stock (I buy a packet of cubes and dissolve it!)
6 tablespoons real cream
1 tbsp sour cream (thick)
salt and pepper as needed
chopped parsley for decoration

Fry the horseradish in a little butter (better yet Pam spray) in a skillet and add the vegetable bouillon after the horseradish is browned slightly. This is a skillet soup so do not even get out the sauce pans. Cook it up in the skillet and then add the cream and season it with salt and and pepper. Once just ready to boil, remember do not boil, or the cream will separate. Then ladle steaming hot into a bowl, then blob the sour cream on the edge in a pile. Decorate with chopped parsley if desired…

Yummy for the Tummies…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…