Thanksgiving 2013 in Russia and a Great Cup of Coffee…


I have a lot to be thankful for! That is what I am thinking over a great cup of coffee this morning, as the snow falls. We have about 6 inches of snow/sleet and more to come, or at least that is how it looks out the window this winter day. I have to stay inside mainly today, as yesterday I ran a 39 degree Celsius temperature and really did not feel very good… (102.2 F.)

Coffee-iconSo today I am thinking about Thanksgiving and since I have gone into details in the past years on this blog about Thanksgiving in Russia. I will just tell you what we have planned for this year and not explain that Thanksgiving is not really a holiday except in America…

It started with: Sveta bought a small pumpkin and looked at me with her “Doe Eyes” and said, “Is the pumpkin good enough to make a pumpkin pie from?”

I said, “Well it really is not a pumpkin, but yes I can make a pumpkin pie out of it!’ (Any squash will do! :))

Then she smiled that huge beautiful smile that Sveta uses when she senses that she has done good and good things to eat are coming our way…

Then I realized that I better get to the store and get some goodies to fix a turkey dinner. My little Russian Sweety has thoughts of a huge Thanksgiving dinner and that includes (as I made last year): Turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie. Plus a green vegetable of some type…

That means that I have to sneak outside sometime today and gather supplies. I have been so busy and ignoring the time frames, that I forgot it was Turkey Day tomorrow. I have not bought a single thing to eat for tomorrow, but as you have just heard, Sveta is thinking about it and bought a pumpkin, to at least have fresh homemade Pumpkin Pie…

I guess what I am saying with all this dribble is:

Have a great Thanksgiving, no matter what part of the world you are from. For any day of the year, we should be thankful for what we have. Many of us have way too much and could do happily fine with sharing a little more. For while lots of us have plentiful, there are still many that could use just the basics of life and they would be thankful just to have a big loaf of bread everyday to eat…

Have a good Thanksgiving of the year 2013…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…