Things that Matter in Russia…

my-pillsEveryone has different things that matter to them. Everyone has a different outlook on what is important. Everyone has a different take on life. I am no different than you, you, you or you!

This is what I am thinking this morning as I sip my cup of hazelnut coffee and take my pills. These pills that are very important to me and if I make a mistake and not take them, by the nighttime I can tell. Now not all these pills make a life or death difference, but several of them are heart pills and those make a difference when I miss them…

Like everything in life these pills are a variety of help. I have pills for diabetes. I have pills for heart. I have pills for maintenance and I have pills to help with taking other pills. You know pills that help to  counter what other pills cause to happen to your body. Such as swelling of feet and such…

To me these pills are very important and Sveta has seen what happens when I ignore the little things such as taking heart pills. She gets all upset and I do my best to remember to take my pills, for she is very important to me and her happiness is very important to me. I am a typical guy, I many times do not care about myself health wise and such. Even after 6 heart attacks and other such issues.  (As a brain tumor and such!) I still act like I will live forever…

I am not sure why I am that way, but Sveta is my grounding strap to life. She cares if I take my pills, eat properly and have a sniffle or cold. So this morning I gathered my pills up and laid them out in a row. I looked at them and then took a picture of them. Yes I know that they mean nothing to you. I know that the picture is nothing in your life, but in my life these pills are as important as Sveta is in my life and Boza is in my life…

I remember when I came to Russia and the horror on doctors faces at the medication that was prescribed by American doctors. I use to take over twice the amount I do now and I have talked several times on the blog about those pills. Happy pills and other terrible pills that no one should ever have to take in the first place…

My life was saved by coming to Russia and Sveta sees that now. She never looked at Russia through eyes of a foreigner, but she has seen Russia through mine and she smiles now when she thinks of Russia. For living through the collapse of a country that you loved dearly, as she did the Soviet Union, was a bad thing and that is where I base my desires for an America to become well again and not a sick moral country like the USA is now. You do not want to go through what the Soviets did and keeping to the path America is on and you/we will. The path to collapse is different between the countries, but the end result will be the same…

I guess this post is my last thinking’s of 2013…

2013 has been a good year for me. The thoughts above are what is important to me. While just a small part of what is important though. I just wanted to end the year with some thoughts…

5,832,245 hits (plus) on Windows to Russia this year of 2013. If you had told me years ago that I would have a blog that would get 6 million hits in a year, I would have laughed. Actually this is down from previous years and the peak would have been 15,000,000 or so, several years ago. Windows to Russia has survived some serious attacks and I have spent a bunch of time being threatened daily with death. I had to smile as I read a article by Peter Schiff and he was very upset at being threatened with his life. People acted like how terrible that is and what is wrong with sick people to make death threats on blogs and such? I guess you have to be famous before anyone cares and I definable am not famous. I just have been getting death threats and website attacks for years now. While a few have cared, no one cares enough and try to stop the threats. They also do not like the fact that most threats are from the US government. One day you will care, but then no one else will be around to voice an opinion. Will they?

I have been in Russia 8 years now and once again I will say it, “Russia is not the country that you are told it is by the west in the past, present and future! Russia is a millions times better!” Nuff said…

The day That I disseminated myself from the USA was the start of the rest of my life. I realize that I will never get the kids to come to Russia. they are smart and have notched themselves out a good living in America. Though as I understand, there is definitely more to life than money. They have too much of their mother in them and they will never understand that the world is more than New York to California on a map. The world is a dream come true. I am the one with an imagination and I realized long ago that most people do not have an imagination, hence why Hollywood is so successful. No imagination needed…

I have been asked by family and friends, “Will you come back to America?”

I can only answer the way I feel right now at this point in my life, “No I will most likely never step back across the borders of the USA!”

With my health, I most likely will die somewhere in the world and I can only hope that it is on a mountain top looking out over a country that I have just seen for the first time. I can only hope that it is while swimming in the blue seas of the world. I can only hope that it is in our village, while walking through the deep woods. Maybe I would be so lucky as to pass away, so far into the country that no one finds me! Ever! But I know that Sveta will be there and that means I will stay alive as many years as I can. For she really does love me, unlike several before her…

I don’t want as my dad did not want, to be on life support of any kind. I believe that when it is time to go, it is time to go. I just want to feel the sun and smell the pines as I go. I guess I am selfish that way…

Why would I not want to die in my home country?

My country tried to take my soul and tried to sell it to the devil himself! I have done things and seen things that no one should do or see. I really trusted my country at one time and when your country breaks that trust with actions and morals. Then it is time to leave or stay and try to start a revolution against the trash running the country. That means that I would be dead and alone as I died, because 90% of the people in America run around with their thumb up their ass and look the other way as someone tries to get them to see the truth…

I look at America as I look at the pills I take: In America I was taking 30 plus pills and as I have said before, 5 or 6 of them were drugs I call happy pills. I was hooked on them and realized that through my fogged brain. I realized that I had to change it all. I realized that my country was driving me to my death and it was a death under drugs. Prescription drugs. America is under that same death watch and we need to change. That change thingy was used to elect someone and delay the issues. We never saw that change in any form, method or way…

I came to Russia and realized that a woman lived here that really loved me. I kicked the habits. I stopped smoking, I dropped happy pills and I have never touched a drop of alcohol since I have moved to Russia. We act like Russians are big drinkers and we play games with that aspect, but they do not drink like Americans do. That is a fact. Remember that statistics lie and western statistics really lie…

So I think that after all these years, I have made my mind up about Russia and yes I have. Russia is great, but I realize that it is not just Russia, it is the world. The world is great and we Americans are missing out on the best deal of a lifetime as we ignore the rest of the world. For with that ignorance comes destruction and hate…

Besides that world belongs to us all and we all need to hug the world in joy, not in destruction. Time to stop killing. Time to stop abusing. Time to stop raping humans and nature. Time to stop pointing fingers. Plus it is time to stop looking down upon other people…

For as I have said before, “I am what is wrong with America and I want to change what is wrong!”

I hope 2014 is better than 2013, for 2013 was a bad year for the world. So many tried to cover up the damage, but there was too much damage and they failed to cover it up. I pray that one day soon that the people in America will come out of their TV stupors and take to the streets to get things done before it is too late. I fear it is too late and if it happens it will be too little. The monster call the USA government has been allowed to escape. I see other countries doing the same thing and I see a future that is going to be rough. Maybe even in my lifetime…

“It’s hard to beat a person
who never gives up.” –
Babe Ruth

Lets change things and lets change things for the better. It just takes everyone in the world to stand up and say, “I have had enough!”

I have a dream and I never give up!

Happy New Year!

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…