Wow, New Year and what hot weather in Moscow…

pie spice
Pumpkin Pie Spice…
I am amazed and very happy for the end of the year weather wise in Moscow, Russia. It has been wonderful and not cold. It has been staying around freezing and no lower. It is muddy, but a little mud is a blessing in place of the -20 below zero normal weather. I will not complain and will smile as I walk the dog and my breath does not freeze as it exits my nose…

The weather made for a great Xmas and New Year time…

I was given huge hints, as in gigantic, enormous and  whopping big hints about the fact that I could make another pumpkin pie for the New Year. I saw fresh pumpkin, ginger spice, nutmeg and cinnamon appear from nowhere. It just kind of fell from the sky and made its way into my life…

Of course there is a smiling Sveta who knows how it came to be in the house and now that it is here (On top of all the spices that I had already!). I will make a pumpkin pie. Looks like pumpkin pie is someones favorite dessert in the whole world, if not the universe… 🙂

But not all is a bed of roses…

We had a terrible happening! Well at least terrible to Boza and after a few weeks we have finally gotten Boza eating properly again. Globus had the best dog food in the world and Boza is a persnickety eater. I have never had a dog this particular, he is like most cats. Well Globus decided to stop carrying Boza’s favorite food and when we ran out, Boza stopped eating. Boza is picky and we searched for another kind of food he would eat. We finally found a canned food that was pretty good and the price was very good. In fact I would eat it if I had to. It is called something like “I will eat this food!” Meaning that your dog will eat this canned food…

They are correct and since Boza is the type of dog that will have tummy problems with new foods, we had to spend a few rough days while he adjusted. Boza is just like me! 🙂

Just in time for the New Year and Boza ate a whole can this morning of 410 grams. He then looked at me like, “Is that all?”

Finally we won the battle and Boza has his good food again. Besides this food is cheaper…

Life is interesting like that and never is it a dull moment in Russia. Sveta is at her moms today. She likes to visit her mom on the New Year eve and she will then be home before the drunks crawl into the street. I will have a wonderful pie waiting for her when she comes home…

Sveta and I are looking forward to 2014 and we are really contemplating taking a trip to the warmer lands to swim. Sveta loves to swim! Looks like we are going to decide soon what country to set up a second home in. Sveta and I need some warmer climate to relish in, as Moscow sometimes never seems to give a break to us people fighting with arthritis. besides as I have said before, “Sveta grew up in Russia and she really is tired of the 2/3 of the year winter season…”

Hope you all have a wonderful New Year and please be safe…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…