Orthodox Christmas Eve Activities 2014 (Video)

It is not very long or short for that matter, but it shows part of the processes that the Orthodox goes through at Christmas Eve. It is a very high quality video and it is part of a telecast by RT. There is a commentator who is from another church in Russia and he is trying to give some explanations about what is happening. It seems he is a Russian monk? I have another video this same size and would post it also if anyone is interested…

I had a few people ask me why I would care about the Orthodox processes so much? I care about all religions and maybe a few of you will wake up and see Russia in a whole new light. Orthodoxy is as Russian as you can get and what better way to understand the Russians than to look at what drives them. Morally, culturally and socially…

I think that the video is fantastic and would have recorded hours of it, but I do not have capability on my website to handle anything over 56 megs in size. The video shows you the people that I see everyday in Russia, a person that cares about life, peace and happiness. The stereo type Russians is so far from the truth, that it would be laughable at how the west looks at Russia, except the west believes its own trash talk…

This video is Christmas in Russia and this same process was going on all over Russia on Christmas Eve. I myself have been to experience, in the past, what the Catholics do and this is very much the same experience to me, as I watch…

Hope you enjoy the video for it shows Real Russia and real people that live in Russia…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…