Russia’s Crimea: McDonald’s Left / Burger King Says Hello…

We all know that McDonald’s being pressured by the American government shut the door on some very lucrative businesses in the Crimea. Three to be exact and Sveta and I have several times visited all three in the past. The volumn of business was very good and worth multiples of millions of dollars in gross sales to the mother company…

Now Burger King is ringing the counter bell and waving the red flag of attention and raising their hand to get noticed, as they try to keep the deep fryers from getting cold in the Crimea and take those empty McDonald’s and turn them into Burger Kings…

Dmitry Medovy, the CEO of Burger King Russia has been on the news and he is talking the talk of getting into the Crimea as soon as possible to get the Burger Kings in operation. He wants to get their now, but says clearly that, “We plan to enter the Crimean market, but I find difficult to answer when it will occur!” Red tape seems to be normal all over the world..

This is very important to understand. The fact that McDonald’s has allowed themselves to be pushed around and drop three money making stores, is a sign of internal issues and political pressure. The fact that Burger King is willing to take the spot and the Russian McDonald’s has not said a word is another sign of internal McDonald’s issues…

Burger King is hungry and as I know from past experiences, never think that you are to big to fail. There is always someone who wants your spot…

McDonald’s just might be in a world of hurt inside of Russia before long. That will then lead to a chain reaction on a McDonald’s that already is showing signs of weakness…

As Sveta says many times, “That’s just right!”

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…