Thinking’s when in Estonia…

Euronews is an interesting and kinda warped TV station in Europe. Reminds me of BBC with more lies and CNN, but more truth. I watched some news and found myself subjected to 24 hours a day; “Russia must be destroyed, Zippy Ya, Russia must be crushed, Zippy Ay!”

Everything was “kill Russia” and it was all explained as an “Symbolic Measure!”

Everything was “tell Russia what to do” and “tell Russia where to stick it…”

They forgot something very important. In fact thee most important item of truth that was never put on the news; “The USA is the reason all this happened in Ukraine!”

They simply did not talk about stuff like that, I guess they never knew and maybe after they read this article I am writing right now, they will go back and check their facts and stet the record straight…

Na! I don’t think so. They should have simply not lied in the first place…

An interesting thing that was spread all over the news in Estonia was about how the USA could supply Europe with all the gas (natural gas) that they can use. I almost choked on my diet coke over that one…

Hells Bells, the U.S. almost ran out of natural gas this winter and that is with their “fracking cracking” death sentence running full steam. They hit the lowest lows of reserves in history and too much more down swing, there may have been serious issues. But I know that America will make sure Europe has gas, even if you don’t! You can burn the office furniture at the local tower skyscraper, “don’t worry, be happy…”

Even if they desired to send all the gas in America to Europe and make Europe a happier place with Russia destroyed. I am not sure that there is enough ships to carry the LNG to the shores of Europe from the USA. Maybe 30 years from now when we build enough LNG carriers (thousands ??) to create a chain of them like a ferris wheel that circles the ocean non-stop. Then we might be able to do it…

Coffee-iconThink about it this way: We have to convert the Natural Gas (NG) to LNG. That takes huge amounts of energy right off the top of the whole equation, so to have the equivalent energy shipped, we have to use at least 25% more gas to do the job. Then we have to fill a special tanker up with the LNG and sail it across the big pond between America and Europe. (What? You thought we had a pipeline just waiting to speed it to Europe?) The shipping is done with fuel also and fuel is energy, lost to do the transaction. Therefore, we have used about 30 to 35% of the original product in energy value to just get it to Europe in the first place. It means simply that we have to start with at least 35% more product to equal what they get from Russia now. Russia delivers straight NG and we have to deliver LNG. Are we this disparate to others, to hurt our own people in the USA? What about cost factor? We also have to raise the price to compensate for all the extra gas used as lost energy. I never mentioned that…

I had a another thought! Maybe we could do like Germany wants to do and buy gas from Russia and send it to Ukraine! America could buy gas from Russia to keep her peasants from freezing in the winter, after shipping the excess plus some to Europe in the first place. Especially after they burn all the office furniture from the skyscraper’s of the kings and queens to keep from freezing to death…

Then it seems after all, if we have enough gas to do all we proclaim (European, LNG, save them from Russia and sure death,) then why should people in America suffer with outrageous prices?

Oh yea! Russia is evil and sucks! Now I remember…

Stupid came to mind as I ask, “Help me understand the logic of this?”

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…