Makes Sense to me in this Screwed up Immoral World…

No cuss or obscene words in articles or in comments and Russians are backing the desire to clean up the immoral part of their world. I am not sure yet what constitutes a cuss word to the Russian government…

The monitoring of the internet started April 2013 when President Vladimir Putin signed a federal law banning the use of obscene language in “mass media” under threat of fines up to 200,000 rubles…

On Monday this week Vladimir Putin signed into law another bill concerning the use of obscene language in literature and art, including concerts, theatre, plays and public movie shows…

Do I disagree?

No, because I have, since the onslaught and hate that has invaded my comments and emails of my site, Windows to Russia, I have had to put a damper on the situation and I did that many years before the Russian government decided to do the same…

Then I have to express that a huge majority of the Russians will back this type of law, because they simply dislike cussing in any form. I have to say that all in all, the effects that the Russian government intrude in our lives in Russia, have a moral backing to them. Regulations concerning gay agenda, obscenity, morality, church, hate and propaganda makes sense when you see what it has done to the western world…

I have no issues with blocking your, “Call me every name but a white boy!” as you spread hate and discontent all over the world, for I have had my share of that hate right here on this blog…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…