Donetsk People’s Republic referendum on May 11th, 2014…

On the news yesterday: “Putin asked the Donetsk People’s Republic to delay the Donetsk People’s Republic referendum on May 11th, 2014!”

This was an interesting move by Putin and today the finish of that move happened…

On the news today: “The council of the Donetsk People’s Republic won’t postpone the referendum on their region’s future as part of Ukraine, and will hold it as planned on May 11,” said Donetsk People’s Republic officials…

Now anyone who understands what is going on over here, would have known immediately that what Putin was talking about yesterday on the news, was the prerequisite to laying the ground work to putting the pieces in order as the west tries to manipulate and destroy Russia through Ukraine…

Therefore, the west begged, threatened and blackmailed Putin to tell them (DPR) to stop and he did! The issue is that East Ukraine is not Russia and they do not want to be in Ukraine under a Neo-Nazi government. They have a right to decide for themselves, for the real government of Ukraine was destroyed by western backed terrorists…

Putin is not their president and Putin humored the western world, by his actions. The outcome was preordained and set in stone, but the west wanted Putin to stop, what he is “NOT” doing in the first place…

But, Putin will most likely be doing just what he has not been doing, if the west keeps this round-robin up, as in games and manipulations…

This Donetsk People’s Republic issue will most likely start a chain reaction and I see panic building in the west over all this…

If the west does not watch it, Russia will take East Ukraine and they will do it in a heartbeat. Though I do believe Putin, when he says that he has no desire for anymore of Ukraine’s land… (Really I do!) 😉

Therefore, the ball is in the western world’s court and if they want to keep things from escalating, they need to grow up and get a life…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…