Internet Village Style…

Sometimes I have great internet and sometimes it just plain stinks. I have internet but trying to do anything other than text is almost impossible. Therefore text, I will do and when I find a good internet day I will upload five or six images and post at once for all to see…

I am slowly but steadily bringing the village to a more modern standard. I worked on the electrical system a few years ago and beefed it up. Hence I was able to bring a water heater kettle and save on propane usage. We drink a lot of tea and coffee, so hot water is important. I also brought a filter pot to run the well water through, since I have to be extra careful with things like that after all my health issues…

The old female monastery that makes up our village, has been disbanded and now it is a male monastery. They have installed signs and such and with all the supplies they have brought in, soon they will be rebuilding the bell tower that I love so dearly…

I had to install a special app because I am using an android tablet to work on my sites and the only way to get it done properly is to use a app called WordPress.apk. It works good…

The image that I uploaded to this post is a brand new image made by Sveta of the village from the end of the dam. The lake is filled plum full and they are getting ready to stock the fingerlings to grow into huge carp. This truly is heaven on earth and I am thinking that in a few weeks, maybe I can go fishing at the river nearby?

The bell tower in the middle of the image is the one that will be rebuilt and the large buildings to either side are the dormitories for the men who will live here. There is a lot of work to do and I am really hopeful that they rebuild this place. We are located far enough away from the monastery that we are outside the boundaries and will not be effected by the growth of the place…

Got some sightseeing to do and Sveta plus the dog are ready to walk. See you later and as I am left here alone for awhile I will write much more often, just too may things to do right now…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia