Eastward Bound and Westward in the Dust…

Russia has quietly been explaining for years now that Shale oil and fracking and all that other wonderful fairy land oil stuff is a fallacy that only little elves and hobbits believe in. Russia says that yes there is lots of energy to extract, but the cost of extraction, either by financial and or selfdestruction during the process, is just not worth it in the short or long run…

It seems that a dying empire has lost its scruples and does not care who it takes out with it. The easy to extract oil in the U.S. is now not so easy to extract and we just re-evaluated the oil availability in the USA and found that we have been lying to everyone all along. I will let you search for the latest oil information yourself. I do, you can also. Be ready for some interesting news and to think that we are going to supply the world with gas and oil, because we have so damn much, that it is dirt cheap in America for things such as gasoline and such…(sarcasm aside)

What does all this have to do with east and west?

Good question; I will tell you!

It means that the west is screwed big time and they have only themselves to blame. Directions are able to be changed and if you follow me on this website, you would realize that I have been telling Russia to change directions for a long time…

Russia has turned the Titanic after a lot of hard work and reset the headings to the east. It has not been easy and it takes something major to finalize a move like that, but the western games this time around have given the nudge to fire up the engines and Russia is sailing east. Oh they are not dumb enough to burn western bridges and the west will do that themselves, but until then, Russia will continue to cater to the west and gather every last dime that they can get…

It is pretty obvious that the west has tried very hard to drag Russia into a war, a war that they really think China will stay out of. First it was Libya and Russia, while screwed that up, never came to the rescue of Libya. Then when that did not work, we attacked Syria and that created a condition that allowed Russia to look really good and freedom loving country. They we hit close to home and attacked Ukraine. Russia did the opposite of what we would do, once again and has made the west look like a bunch of barbarian passé maniacs, who lost their candy, after they bought it from a drug dealer…

Now Russia has started to send a brunt of its fuel to the east. South Korea is asking for a pipeline through North Korea. China has just signed a huge deal with Russia. India is wanting a pipeline from Russia and so on and so on and so on. Then to top this all off, we have a new internet system that is independent of the U.S. version and it ties the lower half of the world to Russia through China. Then we have the finalization of a BRICS banking system, plus many other interesting things happening. I said once that the wind is shifting and I see that it has. I have talked about all these things right here on this blog…

It has taken many years and it has taken much longer than I dreamed that Russia would wait, but Russia has now made it clear, the west is past and the east is future…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…