Coffee and those Village Thinking’s…

My foot is almost healed, or at least enough to allow me to run around again. I have always healed fast and in the past have worked with a broken foot and did not know it. This time after stepping on a nail and being diabetic, I played it smart and kept the bandage clean and the foot wrapped. That is not to say that I did not walk all over the place, when I should not have and please do not tell Sveta, for she will whoop me for not resting like I should…

Yesterday Boza and I went to the river and while I ignored the river for the most part, I went to take some pictures of a frog pond I found. Then I realized that I had a brand new picture of a shot of the village. So the image above is the village, the frog pond and our Volga. The Volga named Sammy and she is the toughest car/truck I have ever owned and I have owned a bunch in my time. This Volga has gone through terrible roads and survived with flying colors. I smile as I think of her, she takes a licking and keeps on ticking…

Since I am seeing a whole bunch of new readers in the last few weeks. I thought I would put a picture of Boza next…


This is what he does best and that is to hide in the grass, until something like a mouse comes along or I move farther away and he has to get up. He loves to roll in the grass, but as you see he is observant and watchful of what I am doing. He is a good protector and very obedient…

Next the frog pond; What a wonderful treat to find in the field near the river. I found an area that was the remains of an old fish hatchery. The dams can be made out in the very top image above and there is a series of small ponds all over the land area that I am taking pictures of…

image image

Therefore I will get around better next week after my foot heals completely. It has been terrible and brought tears to my eyes several times as I stepped on things in the grass and such, things that were not soft, lets say…

This morning I heard church bells and I ran outside. The most beautiful sound in the world is (besides your wife telling you that she loves you of course,) are church bells. This was a recording, for the real bells are still aways from being installed, but it is a sign of progress and the monastery will be rebuilt. I stood for a long while and listened to the bells ring and it was beautiful, so I have a strong desire to stay on this earth long enough to see the real bells in place and hear them…

I have many incentives on this side of the world to live a long life…

I think I will end this today and get some other things done. I want to finish cleaning the inside of the cabin today and I need to run to the big village to get a supply of new food. I really do not want to drive into town and may not, for Sveta is coming Wednesday and stay until Sunday, I think her and I will shop at that point. I have plenty of food and will eat that…

Now you know a little bit more why I love Russia…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…