Busy day in the Village…

Photo above is my two favorite Russians in the world…

I am not writing much today. Busy day in the village, I will check on the thirty cars that have gone into the monastery and see what they are up to. I have a trip to make into the big village today is pizza day at the magazine (store) and I do not want to miss that. 🙂 I have a table to build and another corner of the room to tear apart and clean. I know it will be hot today and Boza and I have several walks to make to see the countryside and take pictures…

Big Fat Fly is on the window again this morning and since I do not try to kill him, it stays at one fly in the room at all times. Strange, kill it and a new one comes, but leave him alone and it stays at one fly. A Coo Coo Bird is outside the window today and he is singing his Coo Coo song like crazy. Normally they do not come this close, but I guess that I am becoming a normal character around here and the Coo Coo knows that. The Coo Coos are thick as thieves around here and they sing early morning and late at night. Never in between…

Well I better get going, more cars are coming and now strangers are filling buckets of water from our well, that they are carrying with them, as they walk up the hill and that water is our life blood. Sometimes we do not get a refill on water for days. I worry that the sign on the highway talks of a Holy Water Well, and I wonder if the people think that our well is the Holy Water? Yup…

The only thing holy about our well water is the fact that many frogs live in it and you wonder why I am a Grouchy Bear at times…

Have a nice day and I will talk to everyone later…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…