Sipping Coffee Time…

Last night I did my laundry and hung it up to dry. This morning, early, I am scrambling to gather that still slightly wet laundry and get it inside, the rain is pouring and my almost dry laundry is getting soaked. That is the state of affairs in my part of the world, how is yours…

Once again Sveta is the sleepy bug and Boza who is always following me (normally) like a little lost puppy, stays put under her side of the bed, until she gets up for the day. I find that interesting, that Boza changes his habits when Sveta is around…

When it is just him and I, if I get up at 5 am he will get up and be ready to chase the world. If Sveta comes into town, he ignores me, as I get up at 5 am. Oh he does not ignore me as per say, he just simply waits until Sveta wakes from her sleep of the dead, he watches me from his den under the bed and looks at me like I am crazy or something. I always wonder why I do not get that look, when she is gone?

Man’s best friend? I would say Woman’s best friend and fallback to man…

Therefore I sit sipping a coffee and writing this post after I scanned some news items and other tidbits of sad interesting information, items of happenings all over the world. One thing stood out to me and one thing told me the state of affairs in the USA…

Bodyguard™ blanket was specifically designed for two functions: (Link)
(1.) …as a bullet resistant body cover to protect against school incursions, and the weapons assailants commonly use.
(2.) …as a protective body cover to be used during tornadoes and damaging weather.

The link presented above is actually scary and if you stop to study the website, you should be worried about the state of affairs in the USA. Alarm bells that should wake people up from their slumber all over America. The simple fact that we would even have to conceive the idea that we need something to protect our children in a school against murderers, with guns, is beyond any comprehension on my part. If this is the case, then we are truly a lost society in the great US of A…

Band aids are not able to fix situations like above, what does fix the above is to get the moral structure back on track and quit allowing what we know is really wrong to rule from the sidelines of life…

In America a land where once I could carry a rifle in the back window of my pickup anywhere I would drive, big city or not, has become a country that feels it needs to have bullet proof blankets, backpacks, clothes and yes I have seen them; bullet proof book covers, to protect the children in school…

I see something; I see a world that as technology advances, society regresses and becomes morbid, sick and very strange. This has happened before in the history of the world and it is nothing new, so don’t worry, it will all start over again, when it reaches the crescendo…

Hence, I find that worrying about my laundry is what life is suppose to be about, but worrying about whether your kid(s) is (are) safe in school is what we have created life to be about, through our own repercussions of our lackadaisically attitudes, as we live our lives…

To be honest with you; The “Seven Deadly Sins” do matter, for those sins cover all the sins you can imagine, then some to boot…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…