Suggestions to Russia…

I have a very large readership that is connected to Washington DC and the Kremlin both. Neither side pays me (hint, hint and more hint), but they read the blog and they at times respond. Sometimes the response is okay and most of the time the response is in attack form, always from the DC side…

My few friends that I stay in touch with have experienced the results of how extensive the DC side will go to even erase my emails and theirs. Comments are even intercepted and erased as they come from the U.S., now this does not happen if you live somewhere other than the USA and that is a fact…

The Kremlin side reads and stays silent, read they do and watch they do, interfere they do not do…

Today over that cup of wonderful Jacobs coffee, a coffee that has stolen my taste buds here in the village, I will suggest a few things to Russia…

1. New Ambassador to Russia from America: While McFaul was just plain worthless and as I said a McFart. The new suggestion, desired by America for McFaul’s old spot is John Tefft! Now I would suggest, since he has been here before and he resided over a crumbling Ukraine at times and a sick Georgia, I would suggest sending this piece of lying stink to the garbage dump and tell America to send someone with abilities and desires to work together with Russia. This man has no desire to do anything but act like an ASS and spread his ass all over Russia, in the form of paid unrest…

Tefft hates Russia, hates Russia and HATES RUSSIA! Did I say Tefft hates Russia?

I think the solution is very simple: don’t approve him….

2. The US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, or FATCA is a serious indication of an America that has lost reality and is scrambling for every penny it can gather. While Russia does not force compliance with this rule, it has given banks the okay to comply if they desire. Trying to open an account for an American anywhere in the world, has become next to impossible in 90% of the countries on earth. That is a shame and it is a perfect example of how the AU.S. is trying to control her people and keep them under the thumb…

I say that Russian banks need to continue to decouple from the west and recouple to the eastern banks. It is time to flow east, not west. So Putin played it correctly and allowed the banks to make the decision of what to and such. I am watching Russian banks dropping the dollar as you read this…

3. MasterCard and Visa: I know you do not realize this, but MasterCard and Visa are building a data processing center in Russia, to bypass the center in the west. The impact of sanctions, that sliced the nose off the card companies, sacred the hell out of them. Russia is worth a bunch of money, money that is clean in comparison to the western side. Profits are made by western companies in the rest of the world and profits are lost in the western empire now. Russia has delayed their implementation of their own credit card and…

I say that Russia has got to be smarter than the antagonist and I hope that Russia is the one blowing smoke to get the card companies to do what they say and Russia still implements the credit system in due time. Russia if you can use MasterCard and Visa then use them, but keep your focus on the future and your health, financially and such…

4. Ukraine no pay for gas, Ukraine no get more gas; I watch the news and I even get an article from a reader about shutting off water to people in Chicago, USA. People can not pay, off goes the water…

But in a weird twist of ignorance, the U.S. demands that Russia give gas to Ukraine even as Ukraine cannot and will not pay for the gas it uses and has used for many months now. Then we talk of illegal reverse flow and we talk of shipping gas by tanker ships to Europe. One is illegal and the other is a fairytale…

I say start turning the spigots off to the west and turning them on to the east. I also say definitely shut Ukraine down with any gas flow and get everyone going on implementing this South Stream Gas Pipeline. Circumvent a Ukraine and see how they like missing billions and billions of dollars a year in transit fees. That is the part that no one talks about. Ukraine gets transit fees to send the gas to Europe and these fees are no small change. Gas transit is Ukraine’s number one export and money maker. They have shot that in the foot…

Let me tell you a story that works with this situation; I use to run one of the highest profit level Pizza Huts in America. I had a Domino’s Pizza open across the street and he (new owner) told everyone that I (Pizza Hut) would be put out of business, because Domino’s is that damn good…

He lasted 6 months and closed the doors. I got approval (from main office) to take and accept any and all coupons that he put out. If he sold one and gave one away free, I would do the same. His opening day, was my biggest day in my stores history. I accepted his coupons and had a grand reopening at the same time he did…

I hurt my profits for a few months, but after he went under, I soared to new levels never reached before and I seriously saw 40 plus percent net profits after that…

What I am saying is that Russia must bite the bullet and take the hit now, get this gas situation switched in directions and turn her back on the west forever. Money is not everything, but winning is…

5. This is simple and straight forward; Russia you must not, cannot, should not trust anything from the west. They are where I was trained in business and the only thing that counts is how fast they can cut your throat after you trust them. Profit and winning is the priorities and they go hand in hand, in the Western Empires eyes…

Remember that the American Indians had it figured out, but it was a day late and a dollar short…

“White Man speak with forked tongue!”

It means that someone is lying. I always pictured it as a split tongue with little mouths – one side says one thing and the other another and what they say is always opposite of the other…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…