Old Garden Well: Stolen Water Thoughts…

Lets get to the lake level today: The old well above is village era and not school era. It was made by an energetic individual (individuals,) who obviously had a run in with the lake people, over stealing water out of the fish ponds to water a huge garden, more like a field…

This person (persons) solved the water stealing issue by going far enough away to be off fish property, but still on the same level that the lake is. Then they sank a wood lined shaft, that when the lake is filled, the well is filled. The well is deeper than the lake and from what I see, it has water in it year around. It just does not have water at a high level until the lake is filled…

Remembered that I expressed that the soil is very sandy and in fact nothing but sand in many places. The deeper you get the more pure the sand and this permeable soil allows the lake water to easily fill this well and as you see by the photo the lake is almost on the same level as the well…

I am sure that this caused some exchange of words in the day, but it is a viable solution to theft and it also gathered the water needed to irrigate the land. I have found the pieces of the pipework that was used to draw the water to multiples of family garden spots. The well also had a hand crank system and allowed buckets to be filled. There is more of the frame work laying around in the grass, but I can not tell if there was any electrical devices to pump water with, or did they utilize another means to pump water?

Now this water is not safe to drink (it is deep enough to be below river level) or to use for anything but garden and for that, I am sure it was very sufficient. It also could still be used to irrigate with, but no one lives near the well now…


This picture above is the remains of a farm building from the Communal Village era. There are these mounds of grass covered rubble everywhere, for everything was built of wood and this was a hundred years ago, just about. If you stand up high and over look the valley, you can see the outlines of all the fields and buildings from the old days…

In fact:


Lets look at a Google Map photo. The large square is the building remains in the second picture and the area surrounding this village is full of this kind of old remains. In fact in the right bottom corner you see a hole, that is the old windmill and that is where my prize millstone is located…

Just some tidbits of thoughts for the day about the Russian Village called Sunrise to Freedom…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…