Template called: Coffee my Dear Watson…

I was forced against the wall with attacks again coming from the USA. They tried to take me off-line a dozen times in the last week and many more before then. Part of surviving is an efficient website template and a cache system. I decided to step back to the basics and build a template from scratch and install a cache plugin…

The template for WordPress is called by me: “Coffee my Dear Watson!”

I choose a fly fishing background, because while I sip coffee, I dream of fly fishing again. Nothing beats fishing a stream for Rainbow Trout and nothing beats a good cup of coffee. I had chosen the original title as, “Elementary My Dear Watson,” it was correct, but not exactly right. So “Coffee My Dear Watson ” was born and it means the best of both worlds. Coffee and an elementary based template…

The template consists of only 5 physical php files and one dummy file. I sent the WordPress gurus to bed and took their mandatory twelve php files and recreated a better template. So I give you “Coffee My Dear Watson!” Built from scratch…

It is Pagespeed 100%, Pingdom 100% and Y-Slow 95%. It is CSS compliant, HTML compliant and DIV checked compliant, mobile ready and I would allow someone to get a copy, but I would have to change somethings to allow a universal ability template, for this template is specifically built for windowstorussia.com…

Other words instead of php calls, it has static links to call files…

Enough of that, for the reason that I did all this is to make a site that has no fat and can withstand hateful attacks by the U.S. government, Yes the American government does attack and try to destroy websites all the time. No one cares and no one listens to the people who tell you this information, for truthfully, most people do not understand the inner workings behind that favorite website that you read. Just like yesterday, over 5,000 unique hits on windowstorussia.com and 25,000 page views. 95% of the readers come from the east of the world. I have intentionally block much of the U.S. because of spam, hate and death threats. Not big, but definitely well read around the world. Well read enough to worry the U.S. government…

It sends signals to the west that you do not need a western audience to have a website and you do not need to listen to hate and degrading comments all the time. The western idea of web etiquette is very poor indeed…

I also made this template because, well because I can make this template, something that has taken me many years to acquire and I enjoy doing such things in my spare time…

Therefore, I am proud of my new template, “Coffee My Dear Watson!”

Gotta go dig out a millstone, see you later…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…

P.S. Actually I want to go fly fishing, with my old fly rod and my old flies tied by hand. Oh how I love trout fishing in a cool stream. Yes and that coffee is really good this morning…