Old Mill Stone (Millstone) Update…

I found the Mill Site and found the Mill Stone

This is an update on the millstone that I found. To be exact it is the top-stone of two and I have yet to find the bottom stone. Most likely the bottom stone being much heavier and thicker, has sunk deep into the earth or beneath the rubble of the building foundation. Which by the way, the foundation is monastery era brick…

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The stone is sitting on brick rubble, under top the layer of sand/dirt. The deeper I dig the harder it gets and right now I am happy just to get the stone uncovered. It is much larger than my original pictures show, for I did not dig to the outer edges in those photos. Now I have dug all the way around the stone and am starting to dig under it. I wore out today, tomorrow I will take small diggers and scrapers, then remove what I can under the stone. I plan on putting a car tow strap under it and up through the center hole. Then take the car and drag it out to level ground by using wood to make a ramp to ease it out of the depression it is in. Then once I do that I will figure out where to get an old carpet and drag it by the car to our home. It is only about a kilometer or less…

The problem is that it is very heavy (around 8 inches thick and almost 4 feet wide) and I am not sure I can do this alone. I wish I had access to a backhoe, for then I know I could get it. In my younger years, I could have moved it, I was an animal in those days. Those days are gone and the fear of hurting myself or heart attack keeps me at bay from doing something stupid. If all else fails, the simple fact that I found it and am recording it with pictures may have to do…

Regardless I will try to move it then if I move it I will smile after it is done. I am pretty determined, but have very little in the way of tools to work with in this village. The full-time people are very old here and will not be able to help in any way…

At the very least I am going to dig out from under the downside and then that will allow me to stand it upright. I want to see what the bottom side (face of the stone) has as carved indention’s to guide the grain away from the center as it is ground. That will allow me to get a better understanding of what type of stone it is and from what era it was created…

I will get it standing upright, before I decide what next!

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…

P.S. It is possible that the bottom stone is not far under this stone! The bottom grinding stone is a stationary stone…