Walking The Dog In Fog…

Just had to say, “Dog in Fog!”

At sunrise about 5 am, Boza and I walked to the mist in the distance. It was so much fun and it swirled as we walked amongst the birch trees and pines. Boza scared up a few foxes and I waved my walking stick of death at some grouchy ravens…

nevermoreWe have some huge ravens around here and they live at the cemetery for the village. (That reminds me, I need to do a article on that cemetery while I am here.) I can attest that in this cemetery, ravens not crows rule the roost and a raven is to a crow, like a wolf is to a dog. Around here ravens are at least twice as big as the crows and the crows stay far away from these ravens…

Boza and I have a small war going on with the ravens living at the edge of our woods and this morning was no different. A family of ravens (6) that resides in the cemetery decided to fly over to us, as we walked in the fog and play “Quoth the raven, `Nevermore!”

Therefore I used my walking stick of magic and death to send the ravens back to their cemetery to sulk…

So walking in the fog with the dog and having ravens descend upon you was a very exciting morning walk…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…