Russian Village Picture Day… (08-15-2014)

Yesterday was a church holiday and it had something to do with bee honey. The Orthodox put much stock in honey and consider it a very important food source for health. The monastery here has dozens of hives and they sell their honey for income generation. I have to say, nothing better than monastery honey, for they tend their bees very carefully…

Hundreds and hundreds of people came up and down the hill to see the monastery and our neighbor got caught getting water, he is the one without a shirt (fifth picture,) they flocked him to watch and see how us poor people get water. Yes we even have spoiled Russian who have long forgot the necessities of life and they get real excited over our well as they walk up the hill. They even grabbed some bottles they had and filled them with well water. One lady took pictures of the inside of our well… 🙂

I snapped a few images of people coming up and down the hill yesterday, added a couple of those and a few more of some images that I like. Thus the city bus image, it is the way into the big village and it comes twice a day, morning and afternoon. So getting groceries is not an issue without a car in our village…

Hope you enjoy the picture day in the Russian Village…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…