Imported goods vs local goods…

The big magazine (name for a store) called Magnet in the big village, is labeling everything imported or local/Russian produced. This has come about over the sanctions and people are being educated as to what is local produced Russian items and what is being produced out of the country. It is really neat to see the labels and I have found out that 99% of what I buy is all Russian produced. The small percent that I did not realize was outside produced, I have dropped buying those items. I am not alone and Russians are rallying behind the local produced items…

Magnet has made it easy to see; Yellow tag imported, white tag local Russian made…

So it is not just banned items that show up in this situation: You can clearly see what factories and such are located in Russia, such as Mars Bars candy. They have plants in Russia and they are considered local. Made in Russia counts…

Oh as a tidbit thought: I figured out what is happening with McDonald’s in Russia and McDonald’s is having a rough time trying to change things. Right now 12 stores have been shut down. These stores are being told that they are serving poor products and such. These products that they are serving are imported and Russia is forcing McDonald’s to go 100% home-grown Russian produced food. Things like Fish Filets are on the target list, for they do not produce them here in Russia. This is interesting and another, “Dog Eat Dog,” situation has arisen from all this…

Burger King in Russia is being left unscathed, as is Pepsi Cola. But Coke and McDonald’s are getting slammed and it is looking like they could be removed very soon from Russia. I see that Pepsi in war against Coke has dropped prices 35% less than they have been and Burger King is in an all out attack mode against McDonald’s. Wendy’s bit the dust (Link) several months ago (after being crushed by the competition) and Coke is choking as you read this. Pepsi, who has been in the Soviet Union a long time, is smiling all the way to the bank and as you know, Burger King just moved their headquarters from the U.S. to Canada and has told the U.S. to stick it over the highest corporate taxes in the world… (Tidbit: Burger King serves Pepsi! McDonald’s serves Coke!)

Therefore, what is local and what is imported is a condition of national security, if a company wants to be in Russia they will build and produce in Russia or be sent away. McDonald’s is in a rough spot, for it is definitely an American icon (as is Coke) and as such will be destroyed easily by China and Russia, for China and Russia are literally the only two money-making big countries they have now. McDonald’s (as does Coke) in America is looking rough and is being carried by the rest of the world… (Easy target as are most western companies anymore. They are debt riddled and overextended to the max!)

The Russian producers have stepped up to the plate and gotten off their lazy ass, the Russian made foods are filling up the stores and the imported food is on a fire sale and being sent off the shelves to make room for Russian made items. This is just right and should have been this way all along, I am amazed to see the increase in production happen so easily and hope that I ma not just a lucky one to see such a transition happening…

I just mentioned about national security and that is what Russia is doing this food ban over. National Security and that is just right. For the west has declared war on Russia and China will be next. The west underestimates the east and that is plain sad, for the west is broke and the east is flush with gold, silver and many other commodities. They (east) do not need the west and that is extremely hard for the west to understand that concept. For the west thinks everyone loves them and needs them…

Sorry west, who needs an immoral, broke and hateful pile of cow dung?

“Not I!” said the little bird…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…

PS: Remember the US fired the first shot in this mess and Russia will fire the last shot before it is over. The west has all to lose, the east has all to gain…