Autumn is here in the Russian Village…

Yesterday I stepped out of the village home and realized that Mother-nature has changed the seasons and it happened just instantly. Here in Russia I have talked several times about how summer is very short and actually spring and fall are just as short, then Old Man Winter has his way for at least 2/3 of the year. That is what is happening now and OMW is trying to slide in through the back door, while everyone is still trying to find the summer season, much less the fall season…

The leaves are changing and changing fast…

leaves changing

Last night it got down to +5 Celsius and next stop is frost. Boza and I are going to spend a few more weeks here and then go home to Moscow. I desire to stay all winter, but the place is not ready yet and next year I have to stockpile wood for the stove. Sveta gets cold much easier than I do and she likes her steam heat in Moscow, I like cold fresh air…


I am always amazed at what I find in the middle of a field as I walk Boza. This lone little flower, dared to poke its head up and above everything else. It stood out like a beam of sunshine on a sunless day. Everywhere it was nothing but grass and weeds, then this little girl above smiled at me, she told me life was just plain wonderful. She is so pretty…

I got down on my hands and knees and tried the macro setting for the second time in my life. I took five photos and only one of them was not blurry. The rest, plain sucked… 🙂

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In my never ending quest to get an image of our eagles flying all around. I got the image above at the top of the post. It is far from perfect, but it is a good shot of one of the four eagles in the family that lives near us. The children, who I have watched grow from the size of a raven to almost as big as mom and dad, will soon be leaving the nest and forging on their own. They are working hard at trying to catch prey, but even the farm raised fish seem to evade them. They are getting better though and the other day, I watched as a young eagle grabbed a mouse. He went back to the nest and you could hear the whoops of joy and delight… (Actually screeches is more like it!)

I realized that I have been here about 5 months and my time is ending in the village. I know Boza will be as sad as I am, to leave, but Sveta has plans to go somewhere and swim in the warm oceans waves. Which means that we will not be in Russia to swim in warm water…

Got things to do and since it is cold and I am feeling rough today, I have to take it easy. I over did it yesterday and now I am paying for that productive day. I listened to the bells ringing at the monastery and I hear the Ukraine guys hammering away as they get closer and closer to starting the roof on the bell tower…

Have a nice day, for I sure will… 🙂

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…