Bells for the Bell Tower in the Russian Village…

bellToday I give you an image of the monk (his head) and a bell. The bell is being raised and the monk is observing. There are six bells or eight bells? (According to who you talk to!) These bells are actually being installed as I try to watch. Oh how I would love to hang around in the tower to see what is happening, but alas, I spy from outside… 🙂

I got to hear what they bell sounds like for they bumped it several times with something hard, like a wall. It resonated very deep and rich, at a low octave. They say these are the original bells from the tower when it was built back in early 1900’s…

It looks like just one will be installed now, so that they can start ringing the bell and bring the flock in. This bell will be able to be heard for many kilometers from this hill-side the tower sits on. I am so happy and they are cutting the boards to build the 15 meter tall roof, as you read this. This is history in the making to me…

I am going to print some of the photos I have taken and present them to the monks, for they have no one recording what is happening and they would be surprised at what I have recorded…

Have a nice day, for I sure will…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…