Ever Thought About a World Free of Insatiableness…

Imagine a world that was free of greed or insatiableness. A world that cost nothing but basics to exist. A world that no one starved and no one was obscenely rich or even rich at all. A world that shared resources for all. A world that made things because we enjoyed it. A world with priorities pointed at art, science and peace plus harmony. A world where a poor man was equal to a rich man. A world that understood each other and tried to understand each other. A world that promoted right instead of wrong. A world that did not have boundaries, money and or war…

I think about this, but realize that it is impossible. Man is too weak-minded and too greedy and too self-centered to ever realize the above. Man is too complacent, too shallow and too hateful to those different from himself. Man has no respect for other creatures that reside on earth with him. Man is too easily swayed by the wrongs of life, for they always promise treats to delight. Man despises suffering in any form and much prefers prevarication over honesty, when it means he can ignore…

Then it hit me and I wondered; How many times has man risen and destroyed himself on earth, during the last 4.5 billion years and how many more times during the expected 4.5 billion years that earth is to survive, will man rise and fall?

Do you think we will ever get it right?

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…