If 911 happened (was instigated) this year; Russia would be blamed…

I was digging a post hole for the fence this morning and it dawned on me; If 9-11-2001 had happened on 9-11-2014, Russia would be the blame for it!

Think about that for awhile as you sip that cappuccino or suck down a latte…

Makes no sense, but a bunch of you would believe that Russia did it, just like you believe, Russia invaded Georgia, Russia invaded Ukraine, Russia wants to invade Poland, Russia wants to rebuild the Soviet Union and Russia wants to invade all of Europe…

Don’t roll your eyes at me, I come from a past that was told by propaganda that Soviets ate their babies, just like we tell the world that North Korea does the same… (Lies)

Nothing that the American/western government tells you is the truth. Nothing any government tells you is the truth, so quit being so gullible…


Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…