Winter is Here and Fall was Lost…

old-man-winterA few weeks ago I told you all that autumn was here. The tree leaves were turning and pumpkins were everywhere. Frost was on the ground every morning and the weather was perfect, but two days ago, Old Man Winter woke from his summer siesta and decided enough is enough and winter is ready to come back…

We hear of tales of snow in Moscow and I have seen a few flakes here in the village. The fish village is working overtime and trying to get all the fish in for the season. We saw that the fingerling lakes are full and the hatchery is full, So that means another crop of fish has already been started. I have no idea how they care for the fish all winter long. There is a part of the farm that we never get to travel to and I suspect that there are winter lakes that they keep ice free and warmer for all  the babies. Though heaven forbid how in the Russian Winters they could do that?

Therefore today as I walked the dog and noticed the trees are leaf bare, the fish guys are freezing and the wind is blowing 20 kilometers per hour. I realized that it is time to go home and I will have the village home ready for full time living after next summer. We have been using the fireplace I rebuilt and it is doing good and the house stays very warm, I rebuilt several doors and they are weather tight now, so it is up to me to finish next year and then we can start living here year around if we desire…

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The process that they use to get the fish out of the lakes is basically man power, with some cranes and such. The trucks are just small tankers, par normal, with an occasional huge tanker truck thrown in. These are trucks number in the hundreds and they are all old Soviet style trucks. They run day and night as weather permits and deliver Carp all over Russia…

The image above is of the fisher guys in their process of emptying our lake. The men are fed three meals a day, a huge fire is going to keep warm and they work hard for their money. This is what all their work all summer long has been for and they now spend the next few weeks earning their pay. Before this they basically watch the lakes for sneak fisher men and feed the fish to get them fat…

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Therefore all this gibberish is about us getting ready to leave the village. Around five months in the village this time and I had a dream last night of taking a long hot shower. I have not had a hot shower for five months and have used cold water 99% of the time to clean up. I am looking forward to a long hot shower… 🙂

We will leave Saturday morning early…

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I am saddened at the thought of leaving and I know that Boza will be the same after he realizes that we are gone from freedom to run as all dogs should be allowed to run. Sveta and I have talked and we are looking at five years till she retires and then we will be able to live in the village full time. Since I have been living in Russia eight years, what is another five years?

So I have to get going, we have a lot to do and a short time to do it in…

Have a nice day, for I sure will…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…