Something not Right about this Ebola situation…

Ebola in Spain now! Ebola is air born! Ebola is spreading across the planet, besides Africa it is in America, Middle East, Thailand and several other places now. There is a cure, there is not a cure and the inventor of the virus proclaims doomsday is coming…

It is mutating and it is not mutating…

Fact is, we are being lied to and we do not know the real truth. This is sad for we have to have real information and not games being played upon us. This is serious stuff and I am really disappointed that our governments are lying about such a possible world destruction situation…

The test used to detect Ebola are flawed and so on and so on…

Ebola, we better start thinking about what we will do when the neighbor gets Ebola… (Or maybe family?)

Ebola is a bad thing…

Have a good day and do some real thinking about something other than your iPhone…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…