Why we ended up in Egypt…

I guess I need to explain and that is what I started to do yesterday and I delayed the post until today. I had 10 comments about why I was stupid enough (and many other choice words included,) to go to Egypt when I have talked about the fact that Russia has banned travel to Egypt in the past? The article has one comment left, because it was the only comment that did not call me and Sveta everything but white people and 5 of them included death threats. File thirteen is the appropriate place for trash, therefore they end up in file 13…

Egypt was a byproduct of a rout of tourist companies all over Europe going belly up and we happened to be on the outlier area of the bankruptcies. Our company while sound, lost their charter flights due to lack of participation to Tunisia and we got our money back. Money that was reserving a trip to Tunisia and it was at our favorite spot, but alas it was not to be and no other Tunisia trips were available. At least from Moscow…

Then as it was the last few minutes of the ball game and Sveta had already had vacation approved. We had to find an alternate route. After exhausting all other options we found one chance at warm seas and warm weather; Egypt!

As much as Tunisia is a dream, Egypt was a nightmare. Though I will honestly say that the Red Sea (Sure looked blue to me – very blue! Food color blue!) is probably the most incredible sea I have ever been in and the marine life is just phenomenal. I got to personally explore live coral formations and observe the sea life that lives amongst the coral. There were areas that allowed me to just float with my snorkel and watch a world beneath the waves. The fish come right up and look in you mask as you silently float around. Magnificent…

So it was not a lose, it was just a disappointment to me that should have been a trip of a lifetime. I will say that it makes me totally appreciate Tunisia…

Due to it being Egypt and American controlled, whereas Tunisia is French controlled, I was very silent about going to Egypt. For I knew that issues will arise and I went under the radar, so to speak. This is a sad state of affairs in our world when I can express where I travel as long as it is non U.S affiliated puppet regime…

I was going to also today talk about Blue Light special, but as one commenter put it, “Ha ha, we all love a bargain, but at what price?”

Enough said and I made my point! All Blue Light Specials line up for Egypt, its cheap…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…