Western Media Hype Over Russia and other Coffee thoughts…

Honestly, the western media hype over Putin and Russia has reached a scale unseen in history. There just is nothing that Russia does right and every other sentence from the western media is something along the lines of about how Russia is sinking away into the swamp of evil despair…

Smart people ignore it and that therein belies the issue…

“OMG! Do they really eat BABIES for Sunday in Russia? OMG,” said the little bird who everyone seems to listens to…

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Russia testing nuke missiles, China testing nuke missiles, US testing nuke missiles, and so on and so on. I wish it was saber-rattling, but a saber is not a nuke and to rattle nukes is akin to using a broad sword to pick your teeth vs using a toothpick to clean your teeth…

Nuke rattling!

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In America mid-term elections are over; Now we can do lots wrong and point fingers at the democrats for a while. For the brainless walking dead in America will forget all the sins committed during the next year. Or so the Republicans hope. Time means nothing to a politician, for they live only for the instant gratification of the dollar and their narcissism…

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MarijuanaI realize that marijuana has many medical purposes and hope that we exploit the good  of the drug. I also hope we exploit the value of hemp as a viable product, but I am not in agreement with what effects it has on humans and their ability to function (as everyone and their dog smokes it.) Sooner than later the US will be a marihoochie country and then we will see some serious degradation of the social and moral structure at that point…

Oh and you are thinking that we are at the bottom now? Sorry, but we can fall much farther and we will…

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Decisions – decisions, it is time to start my OS experiments again…

  1. I am looking at two cellphones…
  2. Both the same size…
  3. Both make phone calls…
  4. Both have the latest and greatest OS…
  5. Both have tons of apps to choose from…
  6. Both last the same amount of time per battery charge…
  7. Both have literally same talk time…
  8. Both are touch screen…
  9. Both play music, videos, and have WiFi, GPS, and everything else exactly the same…
  10. One is an Apple product and the other is an Acer product…
  11. One costs 79,000 rubles in Russia and the other costs 2890 rubles in Russia…
  12. (Then I held (for caca and haha ) a Virtu with a crystal screen and it said it cost, (drum roll) 489,000 rubles. – Huh!)
  13. I am going to buy the 2890 ruble phone and believe you me, I can break a 2890 ruble phone just as easy as I can break a 79,000 ruble phone, much less a 489,000 ruble phone… 🙂

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Did you know that Japan just announced that it will, “The Bank of Japan will buy 100 percent of the new government bond issuance.

Now that is – Caca and Haha…

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Welcome to Amurica…

Drop that plate right now,” was the Fort Lauderdale Police officer’s directive to Abbott, as he was doling out food to the fourth person in a line of well over 100 homeless and hungry people queuing on the sidewalk on a cool, sunlit day. Abbott later half-joked that from the way the officer barked his order, he seemed to have mistaken the plate in his hand for a gun…

But hey, “It’s all good, right?”

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Oh as I said about sanctions against North Korea, Iran and many other countries. The sanctions that we have against Russia by the west, are an act of war and Russians know this. Chalk up one more country to hate the US, (it use to amaze me with their (Russians) desire to love America;) Russia has now decided that America just plain sucks and the last poll done (with a plus or minus error of 2%,) says that Russians see Obama as a floating turd and the people in America forgot how to flush the toilet… (actually 79% of the Russians polled are grouchy about Amurica/Obama and their escapades and I made up the floating turd part myself…)

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hot-cup-of-coffeeGuess I am done for today; For as I tell Sveta all the time… (Eyes roll!)

Boza and I got things to do, places to go, people to see, cats to chase, and dogs to kick… Heehaw…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…