Second Gas Pipeline to China in the works…

In the west they would rather play games and play smoke and mirrors, than tell the truth or allow the truth to be predominant. The latest surge by the west in scallywagging against Russia is and always has reasons behind it. The more the media lies and skanks against Russia, the bigger the surprise that shows up down the road…

Today we find out that a second huge pipeline with China is falling into place and soon it is starting to look like Europe will be in heavy competition for Russian gas and oil. Europe can thank themselves and Ukraine for all the excellent issues that have turned Russia away from caring if Europe freezes to death, or not in the winter and Europe has the US and cronies to thank for future extreme prices on fuel…

It is simple and efficient; get along as friends and real partners with Russia and gas is cheap and plentiful. This is changing, for India is trying to gather gas and oil from Russia and as you can see by the image above, China has secured the energy it needs…

Tidbit fact: The Altai route to China will become Russia’s biggest gas customer. The ability of the pipeline to supply China with 68 bcm of gas annually, surpasses the 40 bcm it supplies Germany each year…. (Lets add another pipeline to that and watch the gas flow!)

If the shift east continues and India gets a pipeline also, then South Stream may end up in the trash can, for who in Europe is going to be able to pay the bills anyway? They already are paying for the gas for Ukraine and a few more additions to the nipple and Europe becomes a failed entity called EU…

The two new pipelines to remember are called; Power of Siberia pipeline and the Altai pipeline, both to China…

But as long as you watch and listen to nothing but western media, then you only know that Russia is a baby eating, sick, evil and depressed country that needs to be saved by democracy, before it falls permanently under the hands of the devil himself; Putin…

Wake up people and look around…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…