Old Dog Tricks; Texet TM-511r and Acer Liquid Z200…

mineThe Texet was 10 rubles under 3000 rubles and I found the equivalent in an Android smartphone, made by Acer. The Acer was 10 rubles under 3000 rubles also. 3000 rubles is about $65 for those of you who need to know…

Sixty Five Dollars and one of them (Texet) is indestructible and it really is. The other is a Kit Kat smartphone with everything this guy needs to continue his Android exploitations. Neither is expensive and both are fantastic phones…

At the average iPhone 6 64 gig price of 44,000 rubles, I can buy about 15 Acers or Texets or a combination of both… (Price today, will change downward with time!)

At the average price of a Note 3 by Samsung of 21,500 rubles, I can buy about 7 Acers or Texets or a combination of both… (Price today, will change downward with time!)

So now I am at a quandary as to why people spend so much on phones, when there is perfectly good cheap phones to do the job as good or better. I am guilty of this revelation and have done my share of consumerism in the past, remember I am an American and raised in a consumer world of the highest degree…

I performed this  switching of mentality, because I have destroyed so many phones. I almost ended up without a phone that could be used as communication. I broke them, bricked them and crushed them. I am hard on phones, so I needed a phone that could take it, no Android like operating system, no weak spots, great reception, and battery life unexcelled. The Texet fulfills the job, but I realized that I needed a phone to work on Android with, and therefore the Acer Liquid Z200 became born as an idea…

An old dog can be taught new tricks or as in this case an old bear. Therefore, I realize that I can destroy a $1000 iPhone just as easy as I can destroy a $100 smartphone…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…