It Is Called; The Writing On The Wall…

Ukraine is a failed state and has lost the eastern section and they did it to themselves, with a lot of help from the west. Russia just had to wait and allow the noose to tighten and it has…

Lets see now; Kiev is blocking East Ukraine financially, militarily, and immorally. Sounds like Kiev wants to get rid of East Ukraine to me…

Financially Kiev hung itself with a short rope as they monetarily blockade East Ukraine; Russia doesn’t need to append, annex, take, confiscate, nor even desire anything in the Ukraine situation, for anyone keeping in mind the end goal is to help the impoverished Novorussia, with food and water. Basically, Russia as of now has recognized that they perceive and accept Novorussia as an entity and right now, they can support their own particular means. Since VTB, Bank Rossya, and many other Russian banks being in the same situation, are virtually banned in the west, then there is no complexities or suggestions in the event that they choose to permit these banks to open extensions in Novorussia and permit them to exchange among Rubles (be it Russian or Belorussian) many other currencies. Since Novorussia outskirts both Crimea and Rostov Oblast via area, and simple access to assets, vitality and perhaps support…

One just needs to take a gander at South Ossetia and Abkhazia to perceive how things will turn out. For this situation, Ukraine has practically (actually literally) lost its region in the east (which is the most conservative and profitable area on top of the situation also)…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…