Did You Know Belorussia is a Gas Transit Country Also?

Yamal-Europe pipeline comes out of Russia’s deep Siberian gas fields and travels through Belorussia before it starts into the interior of Europe.  This gas pipeline runs at full capacity and Russia is thinking of doubling that capacity from around 35 billion cubic meters of gas per year to 70 billion cubic meters of gas a year…

Most likely you never realized or cared that Belorussia is a gas transit country of high importance, for it is always overshadowed by its pathetic gas transit neighbor, Ukraine, which is most likely the worst gas transit country in the world and Belorussia is considered one of the best. Ukraine is known, because of the “Squeaky wheel gets the grease,” syndrome and in this case the media attention is centered on a squeaky wheel… (As always!)

Strange how Europe despises Belorussia and calls her president a dictator, (centered from his attachment to Russia,) and never appreciates the fact that stability in Belorussia makes certain gas supplies are uninterrupted from Russia. By doubling that gas supply, Russia assures Europe of better supplies…

You would think that Europe would care and appreciate and help propagate the new pipelines from Russia. Russia has proven time and time again, that they are willing to foot the bill to build pipelines and make sure the Europe is gas rich, not gas poor…

Coffee-iconStrange world we live in! A world of political hate and mayhem. Looks like we need to stop the hate and embrace the good. Belorussia is a good country and a reliable gas transit country, shouldn’t we treat it with the respect it deserves?

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…

PS: South Stream is dead and died by EU hands! Now that is future news…