Wanna Know What Upsets Me?

coffee-fix-itYeah, I did not think you did, but here it is anyway; I get upset when I see homeless people, hungry people and desolate people in the US or anywhere in the world. I get upset because they are a product of a corrupt, immoral, warmongering, and split society and it does not have to be this way…

On a Tuesday on the 23rd of September, 2014: The US fired 47 Tomahawk cruise missiles, worth around $1.59 million each, into Syria. The missiles were launched from the USS Arleigh Burke and the USS Philippine Sea, operating in the Red Sea and North Arabian Gulf. Now they spent much more money than that, but we will talk about only one item used in what I now call, “Obama’s Fake War on ISIS… (This is just one day!)

$1.59 X 47 each = $74,730,000…

Gee, my lack of imagination pertains me to have no ability to even comprehend an iota of reasoning, as to what we could be spending that money on. We live in a world so pure and driven as new snow, that no one is hungry, homeless, and or needy of any aspect for survival in this “pure as new snow” world we live in…

Of course we also are so pure as snow ourselves, we never kill anyone but a boogeyman with these missiles…

Poof, money gone up in smoke and death to many civilians in a faraway country, who never did anything to us, as we sip on our $9 dollar lattes. That alone pisses me off, but then I realize that a huge portion of the populace in America and the world does not have the ability to suck on Lattes and a bigger than you want to admit portion, can’t even find a home to live in…

This is all the while we spend hundreds of millions of dollars a day to eradicate an imaginary, made up, and immorally created anomaly, to allow the ruling class to kill at will and whim…

Ryan Lizza, Washington correspondent for the New Yorker summed it up in one tweet. – “Countries bombed: Obama 7, Bush 4.”

I have said before, and been ostracized about saying this, “We Americans are scared and we strike at the world trying to show how powerful we are, just so we can feel safe from the boogeyman…”

Things as resources, greed, and other things are secondary to the fact that we are scared, we are scared of what we have caused to the world and have isolated ourselves in the process. We are scared of the boogeyman, but we should be scared of the fact that we are so calloused, inhumane, uncaring, and devoid of morality. That we allow people to suffer in our own country and we simple do not care. Yes, if you cared we would not do it. Neither immoral bombing of a beautiful stable country such as Libya or Syria, nor would we allow money to be spent killing those innocents, while our own people live in squalor…

mirrors lieThe problem is that we are scared of the wrong entity, we should be scared of ourselves, for we are our worse enemy…

Stay away from mirrors, for they do not lie, or do they…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…