BRICS; do or die you can not be in between…

The game is on and the BRICS must keep plucking away and be ready to, “Do or Die!”

Russia & China coordinated to wind down and stop buying US securities in the last 12 months. The Petrodollar recycling has gone into negative territory which means that oil selling countries who use to prop up the US economy by $500 Billion a year stopped and are now actively withdrawing assets from the US – See last month BNP report.

To counter this the US has been buying its own securities, using a front ringer in Belgium and overcooking the dollar, which is artificially elevated at the moment. This is called money laundering in the real world and the US does it with the best of the Mafia wannabes…

Then we are staring at a fracking cacophony, as the easy money gathered by lies creates a symphony of death sounds…

We are very close to a world fiat free fall…

CIA trolls, Rednecks and Sheeple will not understand this!

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…