Dear Moscow, Kremlin; It is very simple…

russia wants warDear Kremlin,

I write one of these posts about twice a year and so far you seem to be listening. The issue is that you either forget easily or you are very confused as to the workings of the American government. Therefore I will help you out and you can use this list to make future plans as you try to understand the American way…

1. Never, never ever, never ever never, trust the US for any reason. – No one who has trusted America has ever been safe and all have been sorry…

2. No one is in charge of the government! Remember this as, no one is in charge in America…

3. Religion is a tool of mass manipulation…

4. Greed comes before family, friends and partners… (we have a saying about – selling your soul to the devil!)

5. Fear is rampant in America; fear of everything…

6. Corruption; corruption in America is much worse than in Russia and the corruption is at a whole different level and type..

7. We are raised on war, we are raised on death, and our religions promote that aspect…

8. We want Putin subdued and preferably dead! If Russians die by the millions to kill Putin, Oh well says the Little Birdie…

9. America is at war with Russia and soon will be at war with China and you need to accept that and gear up for it…

10. The saying, “We’re number one!” is part of indoctrination in America. Ra Ra Ra and all that zippy do da…

11. We lie, we cheat, we kill, we hate, we flim-flam, we talk from two sides of our mouths, and we hate anyone in our way…

I can post a hundred more, but I will not, instead I will give you (Russia) some things not to do…

1. Do not build the South Stream; see number one above list. The world is happy for you not to build South Steam and let Turkey sell the gas to Europe. Repeat; do not build South Stream…

2. Get the money back on the French Mistral ships. Cut the bow off the ship you made, get your money back and let France deal with the repercussions. Bow-less ships do not float well and are worth less than scrap. Repeat; do not accept those pieces of crap called, Mistral Warships…

3. Stop the speculating… (Crush it with/to death if need be!)

4. Cut all but the very basic ties with America and Britain, bring your ambassadors home from those countries and send the ambassadors packing back to America and Britain. Get “Tefft” out of Russia – Now! You have to become the aggressor, they paint you that way anyway, therefore you must really become the aggressor and they will back pedal. It is one thing to act like someone is something, but to confront in reality is another thing…

5. Financially Kill American McDonald’s, kill Coke-Cola, and kill any American/Europe company that does not build a factory or warehouse within Russia. My suggestion is to turn McDonald’s into McRussia and reap the profits. all production is here anyway and nothing will change, except as “coup de grâce” on American McDonald’s. Russians are turning on the company(s) now as you read this…

6. Hire westerners who know what it is all about in the west. Use their knowledge to help you to understand the complexities of the system in America. Chaos is the norm in the USA government…

7. Sell and do business with what you can, to the west, but remember they will never be reliable and trustworthy…

8. Last but not least; Do not trust the Western Empire. Unless you desire to die, do not ever let them back into the home gain. They will stab you in the back, in a heart beat…

Oh, did I say, do not trust the Western Empire?

Thank you for your time…


Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…